I’m leaving.
I can’t say for how long
Because there’s no way to know,
But I’ve got to go get him
And bring him back home.
I’ll need your support
‘Cause my body will stay.
It’ll need taken care of
In the ol’ day to day.
It’ll need washed.
It’ll need held and fed.
Please take care of the dogs
And please update our friends.
The garden needs tending
And the bills need be paid
And while I’m needed elsewhere,
The me here must fade.
I’ll miss you, of course
And I hope you’ll drop in
To witness our walk
And catch glimpses of him.
I’m guiding him here
Through the mist and the sea
Through dimensions and images
Though visions and dreams.
He sets the pace
I won’t rush him or stall,
For his journey is sacred
And I will give him my all.
It won’t always be easy.
I’ll lose sight of the road.
On tough days I’ll question
Can I carry this load?
There’ll be obstacles, breakdowns,
Anger and fear.
I’ll at times feel so lonely
It’ll bring me to tears.
And minds will be tricky.
Who’s abandoning who?
Are you all leaving me,
Or am I leaving you?
It’s neither, of course,
Just the way things must go,
For I’m on a journey,
And I must go alone.
And at times when I doubt
All I’ll need are his smiles
To remind me to love
Through the unfolding miles.
His suckle, his eyes,
His fingers, his skin,
Will pull me to presence
When my patience wears thin.
I’ll be changed when I’m back.
Quests will do that, you see.
Because he’ll need me different,
A bigger version of me.
One that’s fiercer and softer,
And a little more wild.
One that’s wiser, more raw
And shows up for her child.
I know you’ll still love me
Deeper even, you’ll see.
Because you’ll be changed, too,
By this radiant being.
Hold space.
Hold faith.
We’ll be back.
And just wait till you meet him!